Saturday, March 22, 2014

Are you a Looky Loo?

I just finished watching two videos. One was about a young man texting and driving that hit three women and them struggling to live.  I don’t know what happened to them or the young man who hit them.  The other video was of a young man making quilts for preemies to pay it pay it forward. He was a preemie himself.  This young man also lost his mother to cancer years later. My heart broke watching these videos.  Such loss and on the other hand hope.  These videos made me start thinking about how fragile life is.  Over the past week I have read many post of those who lost loved ones.  I too know all too well how it feels to lose someone you love.  It doesn’t matter how old they were or how they died, it hurts.   Life is never the same is it? 

The difference is what we do after we lose someone we love. I believe in passing it forward, living a life that our loved ones would be proud of.  Nothing we can do to bring them back, but what a wonderful way to keep their memory alive by making a difference in someone else’s life. We only get one chance in this life so why not live in a way that would make a difference?  Life is hard and people are hurting.  I know that I am guilty of getting so caught up in my own troubles that I sometimes don’t even think of others.  Life is too short to just live and just get by.  I would rather make life better for someone else.  I know there have been many of times where someone stepped out of their own life to be there for me.

We were not meant to go through this life alone or to keep to ourselves.  If everyone would just step out of their comfort zone and maybe notice someone else just think how better life would be. While watching the video of the three young ladies who were hit the driver texting broke my heart.  People were standing around watching and many of them took out their cell phones and were taking pictures. The emergency workers had to walk around them to try to help these young women.  There was even one lady who walked up to one of the young ladies to take a close up picture of her face.  How dare her!! There were a few who stepped up and helped.  One man held the oxygen on one of the lady’s face, another gently stroked another one of them trying to keep her calm as she came to.  Most of them however treated like it was a photo shoot.  That made me sick.  How sad that there can be people who find joy in someone else’s pain.

It did make me happy that there were some who stepped out of themselves and helped.  I would like to believe I would have done something to help, even if was it was to keep the looky loos away. If we don’t stand up for those who need it than who will?  Sorry I don’t mean to get on my high horse, but I am tired of people just standing by.  Life is not just about ourselves, but about making a difference in someone else’s life.  Don’t get me wrong there or times where we can’t do anything to help and need to stay out of the way.  Even in those moments we can have respect for those hurting.

On the other hand I was touched watching the video of a young man who suffered much loss by losing his mother at such a young age who wanted to help others.  He wanted to give back.  He was given a quilt when he was released from the hospital after being in one for 4months fighting for his life after being born at 22wks.  He made quilts for other preemies to comfort them and their families.  How better equiped are we to give comfort or support to someone else when we have lived through the same thing they are going through?  

My point through all of this is to encourage you to make a difference.  Step out of your own world and give someone the gift of hope, comfort and love.  Remember God comforted us so we can comfort others.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Man of Influence

A man of influence is what I want to be.

What is it others see in me?

I am a Father, a son, a co-worker, a husband.

Dear God how can I follow your commands?

I have so many roles to play.

I try to listen to You and obey.

I ask myself, who am I?

It seems like no matter how hard I try,

I just get by.

What kind of influence do I want to be?

Is it one that glorifies God or me?

God let me know how I should act.

Let me make a difference and a positive impact.

I have so many things to do.

Am I truly living for You?

I am pulled in so many directions.

Dear God I need your protection.

What is it You want me to do?

I know that I want to live my life for You.

I get so busy trying to get all these worldly things done,

I forget where I come from.

I am a son of God and of royal birth.

I have a purpose here on earth.

Please God show me what you want be to be, so I can truly live.

I have so much to give.

Make me a man, who can stand strong,

So others know that in your love they belong.

Give me the words You want me to say, so that they too will listen to You and obey.

God show me what to do, so others will get to know you.

Let others see the Jesus in me so that they can also believe.

God I want to live for You.

I want others to know that my intensions are true.

Lead me and guide me in all I do.

God with Your help a man of influence is what I will be.

 And yes others will see the Jesus in me.


 By: Trish Iiams


 As iron sharpens iron,

So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

   I look at my son and I try to picture what he will be like when he becomes a man.  What kind of a husband and father will he be?  As a mother I can only show him so much. I can’t help but smile when I watch my sons’ eyes as he sees his father fix something around the house, works on the cars, or when they get ready to do something together as father and son.  My son’s eyes light up and a smile comes to his face when my husband say to him “come on son you can help me.’  My son is full of pride and accomplishment when he comes running in the house to tell me what they had done.  As my husband strives to be closer to God I see how much it affects our home.  Not only does my son try to follow in his fathers footsteps, but I see our girls wanting to do the same. My heart over flows with joy to see our family together as my husband leads the family in prayer and bible study.

     I can remember a time when my husband was not following God.  It was all about him and what the world had to offer him.  Our family was in ruins.  I had lost hope for our marriage and our family.  I prayed and prayed for God to change him and to give me strength to stay married to him.  Let’s just say God is faithful.  God never gave up on him or our family.  God worked on my husband’s heart and one day he broke and gave everything to God.  Over a process of time he has become a man that I am proud to be married to.  He has turned his life around.  Our marriage and family are now stronger because of it.

     Not only are men responsible for showing Christ to their family, but to other men as well.  My husband is part of a Men’s accountability group where the men keep one another accountable, gives one another support, and study the Bible together.  It is always comforting to know that my husband can turn to another brother to help support him and to give him direction when he makes a wrong choice.  They are there to praise one another for a job well done, grieve, and help one another up when they fall.

I have been honored to see these men come together and watch them grow into men of God.  To see families grow closer as these men’s relationship with God grow.

"Dear God my prayer is for men, fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers everywhere will grow to be more like You.  Please let them know who they are in You and to be an example to their families, friends, and other men.  Show them they are loved and keep them strong.  Guide them and show them their purpose."

A Woman of Influence

A woman of influence is what I want to be.

What is it others see in me?

I am a mother, a daughter, a co-worker, a wife.

How is it I should live my life?

I have so many roles to play.

I try to listen to God and obey.

I ask myself, who am I?

It seems like no matter how hard I try,

I just get by.

What kind of influence do I want to be?

Is it one that glorifies God or me?

God let me know how I should act.

Let me make a difference and a positive impact.

I have so many things to do.

Am I truly living for you?

I am pulled in so many directions.

Dear God I need your protection.

What is it You want me to do?

I know that I want to live my life for You.

I get so busy trying to get all these worldly things done,

I forget where I come from.

I am a daughter of God and of royal birth.

I have a purpose here on this earth.

Please God show me what you want be to be, so I can truly live.

I have so much to give.

Make me a woman, who can stand strong,

So others know that in Your love they too belong.

Give me the words You want me to say, so that they too will listen to You and obey.

God show me what to do so others will get to know you.

Let others see the Jesus in me so that they can to believe.

God I want to live for You.

I want others to know that my intensions are true.

Lead me and guide me in all I do.

God with Your help a woman of influence is what I will be.

 And yes others will see the Jesus in me.


 By: Trish Iiams


    As a mother I pray that I will be able to teach my children and to show them the right things.  I try to imagine what my girls will be like when they grow up.  What kind of women, wives, and mothers will they be? What kind of impression will I leave on them?  Will I show them Gods love?  What kind of a man will my girls marry?  I believe the most important thing I can do for my children and family is to work on my personal relationship with God.  The closer and stronger my relationship with God is will reflect on my relationship with them.  I want to able to show my girls how to stay strong in Christ, to be loving and respectful to their husbands.  I want to show them how to be a woman of integrity, to be humble in adversity, and how to be loving and kind to others.  I can’t do this by myself.  I need God to show me how.  I am fortunate to have other women in my life that can help me, show me, and to direct me in the right things to do. 
     Not only is it my responsibility to show my children the love of God but I need to show other women as well.  I have been in many women bibles studies, mom groups, and a women’s accountability group.  Every time we met I had to face those ladies and come face to face with choices that I had made and decision I made.  The ladies offered me support and were there to praise me when I have done right by God. They were also there to correct, support, and lead me when I struggled.  By us being there for one another we grew closer in our walk with God.
     God has put different people through out my life where I had to support, be an example to, and lift up.  I have been through many trails in my life and by using the lessons I have learned I have been able to help them when they have faced a similar circumstance. 
 When my children are grown I pray that I have been a positive and loving influence.  I pray that I have been a woman of influence that has shown the love of God to others.  I pray that I have lived a life so that others can see God in me.  When my time here on earth is over I hope that that I was a woman of positive influence.  A woman that everyone I met knew I loved God.  Until the day I meet God I will strive to be a woman of Godly influence that is an example to others especially my children.
“My Dear Father in heaven I pray that when others see me they will see a woman that stands and lives for You.  I pray that my life will point others to You.  I pray that I will be the kind of mother that will show my children love, honor, and a testimony of Your love.  I struggle with this and I pray that you give me whatever it takes to live for you and to be a Godly example to my children and all I meet.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

For the Good of Those Who Love Him

I am sorry that I haven’t written anything in a few days, but I have been facing a personal trail and I have been distracted with trying to figure things out.  I had a very hard decision to make and it hurt a lot to make it.  I had to sacrifice what I wanted for what was right.  My heart is sad but I have peace.  While I was going through the heart of this trial I felt distance from God not because He left but I shut Him out. I knew in my heart what was right, but I wanted to be in control.  I was focused on me and not the truth.  He never left my side, but was there gently loving me and whispering truth in my ears. Last night when I made the decision to do the right thing I was nervous about actually having to do it.  This morning when I put my faith in action and saw the result the scripture Romans 8:28 came to my mind, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

God has a purpose for me and as funny as it sounds needs me to carry out His plan.  Maybe needs is the wrong word but He chose me to His will.  He created me and made me who I am to make a difference.  He has given me the gifts I have and my heart to do a specific job to further His kingdom. The heart that He created was made to reach certain people. The things I have been through in my life good and bad made it so I can relate to those who have, are going through, or will be going through the various things I have.  Who better to understand than someone who has gone through the same things that they have.

In this life we will be faced with many choices and many of them will be difficult to make, but if we trust in God we can count on that we will make the best decision.  I do have to admit that there is a little mourning of the loss of what I wanted but I have joy knowing that I made the right decision.  Now that I have made the right choice I will have to stay focused so I don’t get distracted again.  I am thankful to know when push comes to shove I know that God is there with me know matter what and if I put my focus on Him I can face any trial and know that I will ultimately make the right decision.

“Dear Father, thank you for loving me and never leaving me even though I tried to walk away even for a little bit.  Help me stay strong and keep my focus on you and not the lies of the world.”



Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Missing My Brother

A few years ago my younger brother Matthew passed away and when he died I was so angry.  Out of my anger I turned off all music.  I’m not sure how long it was off, but I am thinking about a month or so.  I didn’t want to feel and to honest I really didn’t want to praise God at that moment.  It wasn’t until one morning I was driving my kids to school and they begged me to turn the radio on and to turn it to Klove. Reluctantly I turned it on.  The song Amazing Grace my Chains are Gone, by Chris Tomlin was playing.   This was the song that my kids and a friend of mine sang at Matthew’s funeral.  This hit me hard and of course the tears started flowing. My kids begged me to keep it on so I did.  Something happened to my heart when that song played.  It was softened and healing started to take place.  I felt God presence and His love overflow.  I dropped the kids off at school and on my drive home I turned the radio up and sang at the top of my lungs praising God.  It was hard to keep my hands on the wheel.  All I wanted to do was raise my hands up to God and praise Him with my all.  I don’t remember the other songs that played I just remember seeing a few people glance my way I guess to see what the crazy lady was doing, but I didn’t care.  The entire world faded away and before I knew it I was home.  I stayed in my van sitting in the driveway for who knows how long singing my heart out to God.  I finally went in the house and my heart was filled with peace and joy.  I hadn’t felt that for weeks. This August will be 4yrs since I lost my friend, my little brother. My heart is still sad because I miss him more than words can say, but I still have peace and joy in my heart.  I don’t think there will ever be a day where my heart will ever stop missing him and that I wish he was still here.  I don’t think anyone ever really gets over the loss of a loved one they just learn to live their life without them.  The tears have slowed but they are still there and at times seem brand new. For the rest of my life I will have a hole in my heart and will never be the same, but I am so thankful that I was blessed to have Matthew as my younger brother.  I will carry him in my heart and live my life in a way that would make him proud.  I know that he wouldn’t want me to dwell on his loss but live a life that would honor God.  He was one of the most giving person that I knew.  He truly cared for others more than himself.  He believed in always passing it forward and making everyone he met a little bit better off than they were before.  He changed lives for the better.  He is truly missed and always loved.

Food for the Soul

Music has always been important to me. Regardless where I am in life I can always count on a song to touch my heart. When I can’t find words to describe how I feel I can always find a song that covers it all. So many times I have turned to music to heal my heart, to encourage my soul, and to find strength to face the day. I played the violin for over 15yrs until a car accident took my ability to play it any longer. When I found out that I wasn’t going to be able to continue to play I was heartbroken and was desperate to find another outlet. I always loved to sing and dance as well, but in the accident those things changed too. I have been able to write poems which helped. Music though has the power to change people.
In times of sadness, celebration, and even anger I can turn to music to soothe my soul. Not only does music speak to the soul, it can bring back memories so sweet and even ones that aren’t so good. Music can connect people from all over the world regardless of the language spoken. Music is the universal language and can be understood by all.

A few years back I had the chance to go on a mission trip to St. Louis MO and we went to a nursing home where we had a chance to spend time with those facing their last days there. These particular people had no family or anyone that would come and visit. I had the chance to take part in a sensory group where these people would go to simulate their senses. Most of them were not able to communicate in any way and were in a vegetated state, but when I put the cd in that was old style St. Louis jazz praise music I saw life come to the lifeless. Heads start bobbing, feet start taping, smiles came to their faces, and even tears were shed.

My heart melted as I saw them with new life even if it was for a short time. Two of my favorite stories about that time were about two ladies I met in that groups. One all she wanted me to do was help lift her arms so she could praise Jesus and the other was put in corner to be forgotten. Sally was her name. The nurse told me not to worry about her because there was no hope for her and that she couldn’t communicate. As I glanced over I saw her head ever so softly moving to the beat. There was life in her so why would the nurse say something so cruel. I went over and introduced myself to her and her head stop as she slightly tilted her head my way. She was such a beautiful black lady with hair as white as snow. You could tell that she was blind and was missing her left leg. I started asking her questions and she would lightly shake her head yes or no. I sat by her and took her hand. She tightly clenched my hand as tears started flowing from her eyes. I just sat there and stroked her hand softly as I prayed for her. After a bit her hand started moving to the beat and our hands danced. My heart broke for those people, especially Sally. When it was time to go I had to turn the music off and I watched each and every one of them go back to their vegetated state. Music heals, brings life, and inspires.

I cannot imagine life without it. In our house it seems like somewhere someone is playing a song or singing one. One of my favorite ways to wake up my kids is to sing good morning to them (the singing in the rain version.) What a beautiful sound to hear my children go around the house singing. I have been so blessed. A number of my kids have been in musicals in their school and were in the choir. They were with a wonderful choir teacher that has inspired them in so many ways. She has encouraged them and through her class they found an outlet through song. I want to take the opportunity to thank her. So thank you Marie Hayden-Huerta for your heart, your love for music, and the love for the kids and for inspiring them to be their best. I have enjoyed hearing them practice, and practice, and practice the same song over and over and over again. You have made a difference in my home by making a difference in the lives of my children.

Music has had a special place in my heart and has been a way God has communicated His love for me. I can’t tell you how many times God has touch my heart through song. I have found comfort, direction, and conviction through various songs. I am so glad that in this life we can turn to music in the good times and bad.

Even if there is an irritating song that gets stuck in your mind it can bring joy. Some of our first ways we communicate with our children is through song. I want to challenge you to share a song with someone today, who knows it might just put a smile on their face.

May God bless you with a song in your heart.
Trish Iiams

Spreading His Word

I just finished watching a video about a flash mob that started singing gospel music and was dancing in the streets.  It brought tears to my eyes to see people stop and listen and to see some join in. The other thing I noticed was everyone taking out their phones and start filming it.  This made me think about how far technology has come and how we use it. How many of those people who recorded this event would then share it with someone else? 

Technology can be a distraction and for me many times it is, but it can also be used to further the Kingdom of God and make a positive effect in someone else’s life.  Every year I have a word instead of a New Year’s resolution and this year’s word is Focus and last year was Fearless.  Last year I chose the word Fearless because I wanted to step out in faith more and be a change in the world and make a difference for Christ.  I started posting more about my relationship with God and who He is to me.  I started writing more and stepping out of my comfort zone.  This was an experience that was hard and I got a lot of slack for it, but I also noticed people following the posts, even some who didn’t agree.  I even had a friend who for as long as I have known him did not believe in God say that he would pray for me.  I heard family members who I don’t have much contact with tell my parents about my posts.  What if my insignificant little post was actually making a difference? 

Last year was an extremely hard year for me and as the New Year was approaching I found myself praying for an end to the chaos, but it didn’t it was worse than ever.  I found myself in a state of mind where I didn’t know which way to go or what to do.  My mind became a blur and my focus was everywhere except for where it should have been and that is on God.  After much thought and prayer about my word for the year I chose Focus.  The next day I go to church and the series for the month was going to be “Tune my Heart.”  How funny is God, He has a way of letting you know that you are on the right track if you keep your eyes open to see it.

Focus, huh? This simple word would turn into one of my greatest challenges.  So much has already happen this year and it is only March.  There has been much trials and distraction.  I have been discouraged and numb at times, but when I turn my focus on God somehow things seems better.  I’m not saying that everything instantly became prefect, but I have peace. Problems still happen but my God shows up each and every time. He is there giving me strength, encouragement or whatever I need to get through the situation.

Have you ever heard the saying “God won’t give you anything you can’t handle?” I like to think of it as God won’t give you anything He can’t handle, for it is when we rely on Him is when we get through a tough situation.  There have been many occasions where I found myself in a situation where there was no way out.  There was a time where I felt there was no hope and there was a time where I felt like my life couldn’t continue on.  However, the instant I turned to God I found hope, even though at times it was but a small glimmer.  There are situations in life that we can’t handle on our own because we need God.  With God all things are possible and in Him is where we find our strength and hope.

In this life we will have trouble but God has overcome the world (John 16:33).  There is nothing God can’t do.  I take that back God can’t lie or should I say won’t.  He has promised to never leave us or forsake us and when He says never that means never!  He has also told us that we are never alone because He is with us.  There are times we may feel alone but He is not the one who walked away.  I know that there have been times where I have felt completely alone and felt distance from God, but when I took a close look at it I was the one who pushed Him away.  I am so thankful that I have a God that loves me more than words can say.  There is a saying that actions speaks louder than words.  This is so true.  God died on the cross for my sins, your sins, and all mankind’s sins. Now if that doesn’t say He loves us than what does?  Knowing that how can we not share God’s love with others? 

We are His disciples and we have been called to share the good news with all those we meet.  I hope that when others see me they see Christ in me.  I pray that when I die others will be able to say that I knew God and lived a life that pointed to Him. I hope I live a life that points others to God a not away from Him. No matter if it is work, home, school, on Facebook, the grocery store……wherever we need to show others the love of Christ.  There will be some who will not like you for that but there were some who hated Christ Himself.  That breaks my heart because without Christ and His love we wouldn’t have hope.  My prayer is that all who does not know Him will come to not only know Him but fall in love with Him.  He can truly change a heart and a life.  

Monday, March 3, 2014


For the first time in a while I have been able to just sit here.  I have so many things to do and each and every one of those things I am at a loss on how I am going to get them done.  My thoughts have been on hyper drive trying to figure out a plan of attack.  It is the first of the month, which means time to pay bills.  This month however, we will be $2000 short of what we have had to work with.  My husband lost his job last month. He did find a new one, but it is for $2000 less than what he was making and no health insurance.  I am a newer realtor and I have been having a difficult time promoting myself for business.  I do have a condo in an elderly community for sales but there hasn’t been much interest.  I am at a loss, should I find a job that has a regular pay schedule with benefits or stay with what I have now?  Being a realtor is a lot of work but as a mom it has been prefect for my family.  My schedule is flexible for the most part and I have had plenty of time to be a mom and a wife.  My income was just to help with the extras and never intended to be the main source of income.  Joe and I agreed that I would be a stay home mom.  My kids are all in school full time and being a real estate agent has been nice to break up the day from the routine and help financially here and there.  What a toss-up being able to be the mom I need to be and be available for my family or go to work full time to substitute what Joe made and health insurance. Either way there is a loss.

There has been so many changes last year and so many challenges that have carried over to this year, and many more added to it.  To be honest I am feeling a bit over whelmed. I am having a hard time getting any footing.  At the moment I feel a little numb.  It is like my mind just shut off or I blew a gasket by thinking too much.  Just last weekend I had an amazing time at a Christian retreat that I was asked to lead and I never felt God’s spirit so strong like I did there.  Since the retreat I have had a number of battles that I am facing, like health, family, and financial hardship. 

I know the obvious is to turn to God for answers.  I have prayed and I have asked God for His help.  However, as I sit here I can’t see a way out.  I know He sees the big picture and He will provide, I just wish I knew how.

Sarah my youngest had to see a heart specialist and now has to wear a heart monitor for 30 days.  They think that the electrical communication in her heart is off and that is why she has been having pain.  To be honest I don’t know how we are going to pay for all of this now that we have no health insurance, but I know it will all work out.  I am praying that God just heals her heart, that she won’t have any more problems, and that she won’t have to have surgery.  I am also praying for provision.

It has been one thing after another and to honest I am worn out.  I am trying to lean on God but my mind still fills full of worry about the future and the now.  I am praying that God gives me peace and for me to be able to trust Him completely.  Oh God please hear my prayers.

On the positive, after ten years of going back and forth with the idea to publish the daily devotional book I have been writing I have decided to move forward with it.  There has been an open door so we will see.  I know in my heart that God has a plan for my life.  I believe it does consist of publishing my book and going around giving my testimony to those who will listen.  I have no clue how I am going to do that, but I feel very strongly in my heart is that is what God wants from me.  For those of you who know me speaking terrifies me, but when I speak God shows up in the words He has me say. When I am done speaking I get such a rush.  All I want is for those who hear me speak that they will hear a message for them from God.

I know I am rabbling, but that is what is going through my mind.  I have such a desire in my heart to pursue God’s will for my life, but I have no idea how.  Besides what about my family and our finances?  How are we going to survive? 

I guess the only thing to do is trust in God; He knows.  I just wish I did.  I guess if I knew everything I wouldn’t need God and oh how I need Him right now.  I will continue to pray and seek God’s will.          

“Dear Father, things look a little bleak right now and I really don’t see a way out.  There is so many things that are over my head at the moment and I have no clue on what I should do.  Please dear Heavenly Father please show me the way.  Set my path straight and lead me in the way I should go.  I so desire to do your will and live my life in which You intended me to, but I am at a loss.  Please provide for my family God and bless our home with good health, peace, and financial blessings. Please watch over my family and my children’s hearts.  I pray that I can give all control over to You and for Your will to be done and not mine.  God I am finding myself in a desperate place and I need You.  Please give my heart comfort and peace like only You can.  Thank you for everything You have placed in my life good and bad, for I know that You have a plan and You will turn my ashes into something so beautiful.  Give me Your eyes so I can see the light and place my feet firmly on the ground so I can stand strong for you.  Thank you again for Your love and staying true to Your promise that You will never leave me or forsake me.”